Friday, 11 January 2013

Cartoons and Comics Strips from Terry Bave

It's publication day!

Terry's new book, Cartoons and Comics, with over three hundred pages of reminiscences, artwork and original cartoons is available from Lulu. It's £12.74 (plus p&p) and absolutely packed with artwork dating from 1947 onwards.

Last year, feeling a bit twitchy after entering retirement and moving house, Terry decided to write a memoir of his life as a professional artist, both as a cartoonist and drawing for comics. He had documented a life punctuated by drawing cartoons, from amusing his classmates and teachers at school until the present day, when he still designs and draws unique cards for his family. He has been associated with many iconic characters, and tells of creating new characters as well as advancing established ones. He was fortunate to be drawing in the heyday of comics, from the sixties on, and has documented their rise and fall. Packed with his own drawings from magazines, newspapers and comics, the book demonstrates his art. With, of course, the help of:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good to see you've joined Blogger Terry! I'm a huge fan of your artwork! The book looks good, I've bought a copy!

    I've also given you a shoutout on my site:

  3. Just ordered my copy of the book - really looking forward to it!

  4. Looking forward to seeing your Blog up and running, Terry. Best of luck for the future with it. Do you miss working for comics now that you're 'retired'?

    1. As I'm new to this blog game I hope this gets to you Kid.
      As all my 'title' teetered to a natural end I retired in a very prepered and 'ready' state of ming, but I certainly enjoyed putting my book together and have already received some very pleasant comments from some familiar names from the past.

    2. And you can bet I'll be buying a copy just as soon as I can and no doubt be adding to those pleasant comments, Terry. Let's hope it's a best-seller. I'm making a space for it on my shelf, next to Leo Baxendale's 'A Very Funny Business'.

  5. Really looking forward to the book and the blog Terry. I'm bookmarking it right now.

  6. Real pleasure to meet to and Shiela today, and thanks for shring a few stories. As for the artwork, I'm so pleased. Thanks so much. Hope you like the photos.

    1. Hi Rob
      Good to meet you.
      Amazing how everything got to press so speedy.
      Good article super photos, caused a bit of excitment in the village.
      Cheers,,,keep floating!

  7. Thank you for all your kind words. It is great to see many familiar names! I will post some more information and maybe a few original drawings here soon.

  8. Congratulations on the book, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I have posted a short review here.

  9. Wonderful stuff! I grew up reading & copying your work all over school exercise books etc. and it was a big inspiration behind what I do now. Will be hunting down a copy sharpish (heard of it via the WMN). Chuffed you're blogging now, so hoping to see some more classic samples here. Thank you so much to you both for all the fun and entertainment. (PS Google friends/subscribe widget on the sidebar there perhaps?)

  10. Looks a great book Mr Bave - my favourite was always Scaredy Cat!

  11. Just watched you and your wife on West Country ITV News. I remember reading a lot of your work with my Dad as a kid, and hearing about your book I've had to buy it. Can't wait to read it. Thanks to the both of you for being such massive inspirations.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Stephanie
      As the old priest in Father Ted would say GIRL! GIRL!! Many thanks for your kind comment.
      Shiela is thrilled to find a lady on our blog fans'

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Well, it took me longer than I planned to get around to ordering a copy, but your book arrived this morning, Terry, and I now look forward to sitting down to read it sometime today. If I may ask, has it been selling well? I certainly hope so.

  15. Your blogs and its stuff magnetize me to return again n again. PPI Reclaim

  16. I think Terry done a great job after his retirement by writing Cartoons And Comic Strips; I love to read his book. Marvel Superheroes

  17. My copy arrived today and I can't wait to read it. I grew up reading all your strips in nearly all the IPC comics back in the day - thanks for some great memories Terry & Sheila - enjoy your retirement! (P.S. I was always a 'Whizz-Kid' - what were you? :)

  18. Hope the book sold well, Terry. Merry Christmas to you and Shiela. Have a great 2014.

  19. Hope you don't mind me asking, Terry, but have you abandoned the blog? It's been a good while since you posted anything. Hopefully, you're both well.

  20. Ordered a copy of this, it arrived on Friday. Had finished it by early saturday afternoon. A cracking read with some great illustrations. Many, many happy memories! Nice work, Terry, and thanks for many years of excellent cartoons. The market may have died an ignoble death over the past thirty years or so, but there's a wealth of old material out there for anyone who wants to find it. I remember picking up a few copies of Monster fun as an eight or nine year old at a jumble sale and asked my mum if she'd order it for me as I liked it so much. I was very disappointed to find the title had been cancelled several years previously. Still, it led me into many happy years reading titles like Whizzer and Chips, Buster and many others! Was also intrigued to learn to were eveactuated to Clapham in Bedfordshire during the war, only a few miles up the road from where I'm typing this.

  21. I'd be trampled if all sites gave articles like these awesome articles. toy store Melbourne

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  23. Hello. Very long shot as I am not sure if anyone checks the blog now but..I interviewed Terry for Comic Bits 3 and I no longer have a copy so if someone reads this who could scan the interview pages for me please get in touch! THANKS

  24. I have a signed copy from terry himself when I used to care for him. He has written whishing you lots of chuckles lots of love from terry bave. Does anyone know how much this would be worth?
